Choosing a safe password
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Topic outline
Task 1
What is a safe password?
Watch the video and then decide what makes a safe password. -
Task 2
Read the following article on the 25 most frequently hacked passwords in 2017.
Analyse why these passwords were easily hacked and discuss your findings with a partner.
Link to the article at IFL
Read the comments at the end of this article and post your own comment if you feel challenged by some statements. -
Task 3
With your newly acquired knowledge, design a new password and test it with the following password checker.
How secure is my password? - Link to password checker.
Try to find one that takes a computer at least 100 years to crack! -
Here are some more resources to check the strength of your passwords.
Link to password checker sites.
If you think passwords don't need to be so complcated, read this article: "Your Password Doesn't Need To Be So Complicated".
Informationen für Lehrkräfte
Fachbezug Englisch Bezug zum
FachlehrplanSchulstufe 9./10. Schulstufe oder höher Zeitaufwand 1-2 Unterrichtseinheiten Handlungsdimension - Wissen und Verstehen
- Anwenden und Gestalten
- Reflektieren und Bewerten
Digitale Kompetenzen 6. Sicherheit 6.2 Persönliche Daten und Privatspähre schützen6.2.1 Schülerinnen und Schüler treffen Vorkehrungen, um ihre persönlichen Daten zu schützen.Anmerkung Material- und Medienbedarf: Internet Browser and Internet connection.
Diese(s) Werk von WALTER STEINKOGLER für steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Unported Lizenz.